Bible Studies

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Critical Questions for Understanding the Apos...
(Cover to Cover Lent Study Guide) 2021
Understanding the Big Picture Book-by-Book
Atonement and Penal Substitution in the Bible...
£7.99    £9.99
The God We Don't Know (Belief Matters)
A Lent Course for Men
£1.99    £4.99
(Basics of the Faith)
A Lent Course Based on Mary Poppins Returns
(Cover to cover Lent Study Guide 2019)
£4.99    £5.99
Discovering the Purposes of Life's Hard Times...
Life or Death
The Paul Debate (N. T. Wright)
For all who have read Paul & the Faithfulness of God, or have simply wondered what all the fuss is about, this book takes you straight to the storm-centres of debate among the world's most distinguished Pauline scholars, as they assess the impact and significance of this landmark book. In the last two decades N. T. Wright has produced a succession of connected volumes that explore the nature and origins of Christianity. Wright has consistently argued that Christianity, while indebted to Second Temple Judaism, represents a significant development. With major books on method and background, Jesus, and the resurrection already in print, in Paul and the Faithfulness of God, Wright added a comprehensive study of the Apostle to the Gentiles. The Paul Debate is essential reading for those who both agree and disagree with Wright, and for all who want to understand the compelling voice of one of the most read and productive Pauline scholars in the past decades.
Critical Questions for Understanding the Apostle
The Prayers of Jesus (Amy Boucher Pye)
CWR's Lent Book for 2021 This year's Cover-to-Cover helps you turn to Christ's prayers for nourishment You'll find new ways to deepen your faith over Lent This Lent, refresh your relationship with God by exploring the way Jesus Himself prayed to His Father. Focusing on six of the prayers of Jesus leading up to the central events of our faith, encounter the Saviour in a new way and reach new depths of intimacy with God in prayer. Through six sessions, experience more of God’s presence as you pray and reflect on Jesus’ journey to the cross. Each session includes: Warm up suggestions Setting the scene Bible readings Session focus sections Discussing starters Prayer exercises
(Cover to Cover Lent Study Guide) 2021
The Quick-Start Guide to the Whole Bible (William H.Marty)
A Friendly Overview of Every Book of the Bible Reading the Bible can be intimidating. Made up of sixty-six "books" ranging in subject matter from history to instruction, from poetry to prophecy, this all-time bestseller is frequently misunderstood, even by those who read it regularly. In this easy-to-read handbook, two respected Bible professors will help you make sense of the Bible, book-by-book. Using a conversational tone, they cut right to the heart of the matter, focusing on two main questions: "What does it say?" and "Why does it matter?" Whether you're a seasoned reader of Scripture or reading it for the first time, you're sure to come away with a better understanding of what the Bible is all about and why it is the most important book you'll ever read.
Understanding the Big Picture Book-by-Book
The Resurrection (Mark Meynell )
The resurrection of Jesus Christ changes everything for the Christian. Without it the Christian has no Saviour, no power, no eternal life, and let s face hope! In this little book, Mark Meynell, of All Souls Langham Place, walks us through three eyewitness accounts as recorded in the Bible. Mark examines the Gospel accounts individually, assessing each author s distinctive style, and teaches us from their unique vantage points. He shows us that not only can we have full confidence in their accounts of the resurrection, but that its truth should change the everyday life of a Christian too
The Theology of the Hebrew Bible ( Pavel Hanes)
The philosophical worldview of authors inevitably shapes the work they create. Never is this more true than in the field of biblical theology where unexposed assumptions impact the way scholars read, analyze, and expound the biblical text. This excellent introduction sets out to make the implicit explicit, exploring the impact of philosophical thought on Old Testament theology’s most influential thinkers. Providing an overview of the discipline’s development, Professor Hanes traces the intellectual and social currents that shaped Old Testament theology from early church history to today. Hanes carefully and systematically uncovers the underlying presuppositions that impacted the methodology of key theologians and the conclusions they ultimately drew. This is an important resource for anyone desiring to grow in their understanding of philosophy, theology, and the intersections between the two.
An Introduction
The Tide Is Turning (Terry Virgo)
Against the backdrop of advancing secularism and rampant atheism, we see churches closing on all sides, particularly in the West, where Christianity is often regarded as old hat, quaint and irrelevant. Strangely, at the same time it is evident that new churches are springing up everywhere. Terry Virgo maintains that we need visionaries, tough fighters and tenacious builders if we are going to see the Gospel succeed in our generation and build strong churches that engage with our contemporary culture and bring in the kingdom of God. Building great churches takes tenacity, endurance and Nehemiah-type leadership. Nehemiah and other biblical characters who rose above the trends of their age, proved that God is well able to revolutionise situations if we take Him seriously and respond obediently to His initiatives. By examining the lives of Jospeh, Gideon and Nehemiah Terry Virgo inspires us afresh and shows that the tide is turning against secularism and we are increasingly seeing God's great plan being fulfilled to glorify His Son in the earth.
The Wondrous Cross (Stephen R Holmes)
Stephen Holmes has been described as one of the bright lights of the new generation of evangelical theologians. In this book he offers an accessible and enlightening account of the way the saving work of Jesus is presented in the Bible, and has been understood throughout Christian history. In particular, the book offers background to the current debates about penal substitutionary atonement by looking at that idea in biblical and historical perspective. Holmes argues that we can, and should, continue to talk of the cross in penal substitutionary terms, if we understand this as one of many complimentary descriptions of the salvation we find in Christ.
Atonement and Penal Substitution in the Bible and History (Christian Doctrine In Historical Perspective)
Trinity (Jason Byassee )
Most people assume they know what they mean when they use the word “God.” They mean a powerful old guy in the sky ready to obliterate us if we do wrong but basically benevolent, if a little senile. The Christian doctrine of the Trinity shows us God is vastly more interesting. God is actually fleshed among us in Jesus, poured out on us in the Holy Spirit’s intoxication of the church. God is three divine persons in perfect harmony and beauty—and God invites us into that unimaginable intimacy. We don’t know this God, but we should. Trinity uses scripture, the Early Church tradition, and some modern theology to argue that God is a mystery whom we can’t understand but who can shape our misunderstanding to allow for faithful living and holy love of God and neighbor.
The God We Don't Know (Belief Matters)
What is Man? (Peter Dainty)
What is Man? is a Lent course for men with the main aim to consider how Christian men in the modern world can best serve God, and what the place of humanity as a whole is in the purposes of God.In the first four sessions, Peter Dainty looks at the place of Man on this planet and some of the responsibilities involved in daily life. Session five considers Man’s weakness and mortality (sin, suffering and death) and how they affect our relationship with, and faith in, God. Session six looks at Jesus, the Son of Man, and asks what that title might mean. The structure for each session is very simple and consists of three parts: Food for thought, Bible study and Closing prayer. The sessions are: • What is man? • The image of God? • Man’s responsibilities – work and rest • Man’s responsibilities – money • Man’s weakness and mortality • The Son of Man
A Lent Course for Men
What is the Trinity? (David F. Wells)
The challenging nature of the Trinity often puzzles us especially since no one passage in the Bible explains it on its own. Early creeds were written to unite the church's beliefs about the doctrine, yet people still struggle to understand it even in our own time. This booklet explores the teaching on the Trinity all throughout the Bible and through history. It addresses how God is both one and tripersonal and goes on to define the Trinity and its implications for our Christian practice. Basics of the Faith booklets introduce readers to basic Reformed doctrine and practice. On issues of church government and practice they reflect that framework otherwise they are suitable for all church situations.
(Basics of the Faith)
Where the Lost Things Go (Lucy Berry)
A film-based course for small groups over Lent Lucy Berry turns to Mary Poppins Returns as a way to understand big faith questions A great resource that helps you read the Bible in a new way Where The Lost Things Go is a 'practically perfect' Lent course for small group study – or for reading on one's own – based on the popular film Mary Poppins Returns. Poet and minister Lucy Berry skilfully draws out some of the themes of the Oscar-nominated movie (which stars Emily Blunt, Ben Whishaw and Lin-Manuel Miranda) and shows how we can consider them more deeply alongside passages from the Bible. The course is based around five weekly sessions, entitled: Were we dreaming? Belief and unbelief This can't be happening! Loss, denial and acceptance The Banks children? Or the Bank's children? Lost people, being found: Fogs and the wilderness Light! A seriously heavy symbol Each session includes suggested clips from the film, as well as discussion questions, Bible readings and closing prayers. There are detailed notes, advice and additional questions for leaders to help them plan an enriching group study in which all group members can feel accepted and involved. And the book contains an additional section for those who wish to make a deeper study of Mary Poppins Returns' songs
A Lent Course Based on Mary Poppins Returns
Who is the Christ? (Anne Calver)
WHO IS THE CHRIST? Full Product Description For small groups or individual reading This Cover-to-Cover study unpicks the meaning of Christ's identity A clear way of understanding different aspects of who Jesus is This Lent, Anne Calver invites us to take a look at six different aspects of Christ's character, so that we might dwell on who He really is and the marks that He left on the world. Through six group or individual studies, discover fresh insights into the person of Jesus, and how He revealed the nature of God through His role as: The Builder The Humble King The Holy King The Harvester The Risen King The Commissioner
(Cover to cover Lent Study Guide 2019)
Why Would a Good God Allow Suffering? (Kurt Dehaan )
How can you continue to trust God when it seems as if He&;s standing on the sidelines watching you suffer? In the six-lesson Bible study Why Would a Good God Allow Suffering? Kurt DeHaan offers wisdom from the Word to help you stand firm in your faith even in the midst of pain and suffering. Gain a better understanding of how trials can alert and direct you to see God&;s perspective in your life.
Discovering the Purposes of Life's Hard Times (Discovery Bible Study)
Words (Robert Morris)
Only God can tame the tongue, but we have the responsibility to bridle it. Only God can tame the tongue, but we have the responsibility to bridle it. Does your mouth get you into trouble? The tongue is powerful and humanly untamable. We often misuse this power to lie, curse, slander, or gossip. Negative or careless words open the door to the enemy and leave a trail of hurt. The good news is words can also be cleansing and encouraging. When used with honor, they can connect us with God and one another. This three-disc DVD series is a companion to the study guide and is designed for group discussion and personal reflection. The sessions will teach you how to: examine the intentions of your heart, allow the Holy Spirit to guide what you say, speak words that bring healing and forgiveness, and develop a strong, trustworthy character
Life or Death
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